Study/Digital System Design and Lab[Verilog]

#4 Simple Synthesis Examples

얼죽아여뜨샤 2023. 10. 15. 09:23

*Simple Synthesis Examples 1

  • In order for code to synthesize correctly, certain conversions must be followed.
  • Even if Verilog code gives the correct result when simulated, it may nor result in hardware that work correctly when synthesized.

  • Sensitivity list에 B가 빠져있다.
    : always@(A or B) 또는 always@(*)로 수정해야 한다.


*Simple Synthesis Examples 2

  • sequential logic을 사용하였기에 (=>) CLK을 두번 지난다.
//always block 수정 코드
always@(A or B or C or F)
C = A & B;	// statement 1
G = C | F;	// statement 2


*Simple Synthesis Examples 3

  • Considering the code below, why does this code not represent an AND gate with G and D as inputs?


*Simple Synthesis Examples 4