1. cartographer 패키지 확인
ros2 pkg list |grep cartographer
2. 로봇 패키지 설치
cd Ros2_ws
git clone https://github.com/tabris2015/rpi-robot-ros-foxy.git
3. Rplidar A1m8 설치
cd Ros2_ws
git clone https://github.com/CreedyNZ/rplidar_ros2.git
4. 컴파일
colcon build
+ 부분 컴파일 하고싶을 때
colcon build --symlink-install
install & build파일 생성
GitHub - tabris2015/rpi-robot-ros-foxy: Repo with packages for a low cost raspberry pi powered robot using ros2 foxy
Repo with packages for a low cost raspberry pi powered robot using ros2 foxy - GitHub - tabris2015/rpi-robot-ros-foxy: Repo with packages for a low cost raspberry pi powered robot using ros2 foxy
GitHub - CreedyNZ/rplidar_ros2: rplidar_ros2 rplidar ros2
rplidar_ros2 rplidar ros2. Contribute to CreedyNZ/rplidar_ros2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
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